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Ortoli | Rosenstadt: What Exactly Is a Seller Responsible for When Selling Its Staffing Firm?
Buyers of a business generally expect sellers to be responsible for certain liabilities relating to when the seller owned its business—a concept mergers and acquisitions professionals refer to as indemnification. Indemnification is one of the most heavily negotiated, and potentially most significant, provisions of a purchase agreement, and understanding the terminology common to such agreements is essential when negotiating a deal. Attorney Paul Pincus of Ortoli Rosenstadt LLP explains what sellers are liable for, how a seller’s liability may be limited, and how buyers may seek to fund potential indemnity claims.
U.S. Consumer Prices Rose in October
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Philly Fed: Manufacturing Activity Mixed in November
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Multimedia Study Tool Helps You Earn ASA Certification
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The Latest From Your Colleagues on ASA Central
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Employers Claim Crucial Victory in Persuader Battle
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EEOC Issues Fiscal Year 2016 Performance Report
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As Unemployment Decreases, So Does Growth in Participation in the Online Platform Economy
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U.S. Millennials Choose a ‘Career for Me’ Over Being the Boss
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Growth Rate for Health Costs Sank This Year
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