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January 17, 2023

January Is National Mentoring Month—Support the Industry as a Mentor

Every January, the U.S. celebrates the dedicated mentors whose wisdom, guidance, and positive examples help prepare people to succeed. You can join them by participating in the ASA Mentor Match program. According to ASA research, 68% of staffing professionals agree that mentors and coaches are critical to career advancement.

Mentor Match allows members to make valuable industry connections, define career goals, and gain insight from staffing peers. The goal of the program is to help members grow professionally and network with fellow ASA members.

The Mentor Match program runs in two six-month cycles per year (January–June and July–December). Once enrolled, ASA will match you with your mentor or mentee based on topics of expertise. Learn more at, or send an email to

New York Fed: Manufacturing Activity Plunged
Consumer Sentiment Edged Up to Nine-Month High in Early January as Inflation Eased
Workers Lose Ground to Inflation Despite Big Wage Gains
CEOs Predict Mild Recession, Flat Market in New Survey
Analysts Look to Corporate Reports With Low Expectations
Starbucks’ Corporate Workers Must Return to Office Three Days Per Week
Tomorrow—DOL’s Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization to Host Virtual Small Business Vendor Outreach Event
2022 Wage and Hour Developments: A Year in Review
Don’t Panic: The Long View of FTC’s Proposed Noncompete Rule
ADA Title III: What’s Ahead for 2023?
Majority of Companies Are Taking Action on Pay Equity

Upcoming Events

Free ASA Webinar Today—Data on the Office–Administrative Sector

Don’t miss the ASA webinar “Staffing STATS—Data-Centric Webinar Series, First Quarter Report: A Look at the Office–Administrative Sector.” It takes place today from 2 to 3 p.m. Eastern time. Take a look at staffing metrics and employment data, especially the issues that matter to the office–administrative sector, and learn how to leverage government data and other indicators to remain competitive in the current market

All ASA webinars are free for ASA members, and most qualify for continuing education hours toward ASA certification renewal. To learn more and to register, visit

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Network Virtually With Your Peers—ASA Section Virtual Networking Calls Begin Next Week

As your staffing firm faces evolving challenges and tries to answer unexpected questions, are you dealing with questions that are specific to your sector of the staffing industry? Get insight from industry peers during a sector-specific peer networking call where you can discuss top-of-mind challenges and devise solutions. Calls are facilitated by volunteers from ASA section communities (participants will not receive official legal updates or guidance regarding Covid-19).

Get the full schedule and register at

  • Industrial section: Tuesday, Jan. 24, 1–2 p.m. Eastern time
  • Professional–managerial section: Wednesday, Jan. 25, 1–2 p.m. Eastern time
  • Health care section: Thursday, Jan. 26, 1–2 p.m. Eastern time
  • Industry marketing and public relations: Thursday, Jan. 26, 3–4 p.m. Eastern time
  • Office–administrative section: Tuesday, Feb. 14, 1–2 p.m. Eastern time
  • Direct hire: Wednesday, Feb. 15, 1–2 p.m. Eastern time
  • Engineering, IT, and scientific section: Thursday, Feb. 16, 1–2 p.m. Eastern time

Networking calls are open to members of ASA sections, which are sector-specific communities that provide resources, webinars, town hall forums, and sector-specific news for member companies and their employees. To join a section, update your profile on ASA Central.

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ASA Corporate Partners

Staffing Today is published by the American Staffing Association, with news abstracts copyrighted in 2025 by SmithBucklin of Chicago, IL, and all other content copyrighted in 2025 by ASA. No part of this publication may be reproduced without permission.

About ASA

The American Staffing Association is the voice of the U.S. staffing, recruiting, and workforce solutions industry. Learn more at

American Staffing Association
277 South Washington St.
Suite 200
Alexandria, VA 22314-3675