August 25, 2023

Last Day to Save: Register for Staffing World Today

Are you ready to take your staffing company to new heights, increase your market share, and get solutions that accelerate growth? Then you need to experience Staffing World® 2023. Regardless of your company size, title, or sector, the ASA annual convention and expo is the perfect place to network with industry leaders, learn cutting-edge strategies, and find solutions that will drive your business forward. Hear from your staffing industry peers about the value of Staffing World in these videos.

Staffing World takes place Oct. 3–5, at the Charlotte Convention Center in Charlotte, NC. Experience the industry’s best content on current industry challenges, three powerful keynote speakers, the largest expo hall in the industry, dedicated networking time with your peers, and more—visit for details. Note that the advance registration rate ends today! Get your discounted rate as well as the team discount when you bring multiple individuals from your staffing firm.

TNAA Acquires Stogo
Chicago Fed National Activity Index Points to a Pickup in Economic Growth in July
Kansas City Fed: Manufacturing Activity Unchanged in August
T-Mobile Will Lay Off About 7% of Its Workforce in the Coming Weeks
OSHA Says Workplace Violence Injuries Are Work-Related, Even When Sustained Outside the Workplace
OSHA Debuts Spanish-Language Newsletter
Minnesota Minimum-Wage Rates Increase as of Jan. 1
Consumer Attitudes Toward Employers, Job Searches, and Candidate Experience
More Than Half of Unemployed Americans Are Feeling Job Hunt Burnout
DEI Progress Is a Measurable Objective for Leadership in More Than a Third of U.S. Organizations
Survey: U.S. Worker Confidence Falls for Second Consecutive Quarter

Upcoming Events

ASA Temporary Help Wage Tool Updated and Expanded

Get employment and wage estimates for more than 800 occupations nationwide, by state and by metropolitan statistical area, with a view of the temporary help services industry. The ASA Temporary Help Wage Tool has been updated and now is available as an easy-to-download Excel file.

This resource can help you inform strategic decisions and support discussions with clients regarding pay rates for specific jobs—benchmark temporary and contract worker wages, compare staffing industry wages and employment with all industries, and get data on pay rates for specific jobs. To get more information and download the tool, visit

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Welcome New ASA Members

The ASA board of directors and staff welcome the following new members, which joined during the week ending Aug. 20.

Legacy Healthcare Solutions
Mobile, AL
The Michelle Martin Group (MMG)
Arlington, VA
Elite Source Partners LLC
Murfreesboro, TN
FS Tech Advisors
Coronado, CA
National Search Group Inc.
Miami, FL
Above and Beyond Talent Acquisition Inc.
Brooklyn, NY

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ASA Corporate Partners

Staffing Today is published by the American Staffing Association, with news abstracts copyrighted in 2024 by SmithBucklin of Chicago, IL, and all other content copyrighted in 2024 by ASA. No part of this publication may be reproduced without permission.

About ASA

The American Staffing Association is the voice of the U.S. staffing, recruiting, and workforce solutions industry. Learn more at

American Staffing Association
277 South Washington St.
Suite 200
Alexandria, VA 22314-3675