The next few weeks will be full of free education from ASA. These upcoming ASA webinars can help you understand the implications of the upcoming national elections, the current state of the staffing industry, and more.
Sept. 10—”Disability Inclusion in the Workplace: Increasing Access and Opportunity“
Hear a representative of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy share steps that staffing firms can take to increase hiring of candidates with disabilities and utilize disability employment resources.
Sept. 17—ASA State of the Industry Webinar “Third Quarter Update for Staffing Professionals, Focusing on Job Candidates“
Find out about new research on how job candidates navigate their search, and get the tools you need to truly become an employer of choice.
Sept. 29—”How the 2020 Elections Could Affect Business“
Get a preview of the upcoming U.S. elections from political analyst Charlie Cook, editor and publisher of the Cook Political Report, and get his insights on what the outcomes could mean for the business community.
Sept. 30—”Maximize Your ASA Membership“
Learn how to make the most of the professional development opportunities, legal and legislative resources, benchmarking data, marketing tools, and other benefits of your association membership.
All ASA webinars are free for ASA members, and most qualify for continuing education hours toward ASA certification renewal. To learn more and to register, visit
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