As a member of a pro sports leadership team, Bennett worked exceedingly long hours. Working with an ASA member staffing firm gave him greater flexibility to spend time with family, and he landed a contract graphic designer role—eventually allowing him to bridge to a permanent role with the client and, later, be recognized as the 2020 National Staffing Employee of the Year.
More than three million temporary and contract employees report for work every week in America’s offices, factories, health care facilities, warehouses, and other job sites—wherever there’s important work to be done, temporary and contract employees are on the job. Meet some of these extraordinary staffing employees and share their stories when talking with clients.
Every temporary or contract employee has a unique story: work background, career goals, skills and talents, and hopes and dreams. Each took a different path to the staffing and recruiting industry, and each has reaped unique benefits. Browse through dozens of stories from ASA member agencies at
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