Is your company poised for maximum growth in 2024? Are you concerned about how a fluctuating economy might affect your bottom line? Turn all your doubts into dollars when you and your team attend Staffing World® 2023, Oct. 3–5 in Charlotte, NC. There’s no other event in the staffing and recruiting industry like Staffing World.
With three powerful keynotes, more than 30 educational sessions, the biggest expo in the industry, Tech Talks, networking events, and so much more, it’s definitely worth the investment—ASA has even created a Staffing World ROI Tool Kit to prove it to you (and your boss).
Download the tool kit and make your case. The numbers don’t lie, and neither do the past attendees featured in this Staffing World video.
Make sure you and your company get the information, experience, and connections you can only get from Staffing World—to ensure you are ready to take advantage of the growth opportunities you don’t even know about yet. Register today at