June 23, 2023

Kansas City Fed: Manufacturing Activity Dropped
Ford Prepares New Round of Layoffs for U.S. Salaried Workers
Uber Is Laying Off 200 People in Its Recruiting Team
DOL Postpones H-1B, PERM Prevailing Wage Plans
Calculating FMLA Leave for a Week With a Holiday: New Department of Labor Opinion Letter
Whose Text Is It, Anyway? Maybe Yours
California Court of Appeal Declines to Follow Viking River Cruises Ruling and Holds Employees Who Signed Arbitration Agreements Have Standing to Pursue PAGA Representative Claims in Court
With Summer Seasonal Hiring in Swing, Companies Need to Shift Strategy to Compete
New Research Provides Blueprint for Combating Today’s Chronic Hourly Worker Shortage
Families Are Spending an Average of 27% of Their Household Income on Child Care Expenses

Upcoming Events

Plan Your Professional Development at Staffing World—Session Descriptions Are Online

Staffing World®, the ASA annual convention and expo, will bring together the brightest minds in the staffing community. You’ll find valuable insights, networking opportunities, and inspiration to accelerate your firm’s growth in Charlotte, NC, this fall.

Session descriptions are available online. Visit staffingworld.net for details about the learning opportunities—more than 30 sessions in 12 major content categories—and start planning your learning experience.

Staffing World takes place Oct. 3–5 at the Charlotte Convention Center. Visit staffingworld.net for more information and to register.

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Welcome New ASA Members

The ASA board of directors and staff welcome the following new members, which joined during the week ending June 18.

Elective Staffing
Memphis, TN
Kindcare Staffing
Warsaw, IN
Peloton Inc.
Las Vegas, NV
RCS Corp.
Charlotte, NC

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ASA Corporate Partners

Staffing Today is published by the American Staffing Association, with news abstracts copyrighted in 2024 by SmithBucklin of Chicago, IL, and all other content copyrighted in 2024 by ASA. No part of this publication may be reproduced without permission.

About ASA

The American Staffing Association is the voice of the U.S. staffing, recruiting, and workforce solutions industry. Learn more at americanstaffing.net.

American Staffing Association
277 South Washington St.
Suite 200
Alexandria, VA 22314-3675