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September 29, 2021

Staffing World Is Happening Now—Don’t Miss a Minute

Staffing World® 2021, the ASA annual convention and expo, continues today in Denver and virtually.

Yesterday’s Super Session featured keynote speaker Sekou Andrews, who delivered a passionate presentation (sponsored by World Wide Specialty) about fueling growth through personal connections. Dorothy Taylor, chief executive officer of World Wide Specialty, was inducted into the ASA Leadership Hall of Fame (sponsored by Nixer Comp). Kerry Sirkka of AMN Healthcare was honored as the 2021 ASA Volunteer of the Year.

At today’s Super Session, 8:30–10 a.m. Mountain time, meet the 2022 National Staffing Employee of the Year (sponsored by PMC Insurance Group) and hear the keynote address “Leading in Precarious Times, Inspiring Our Most Defining Moments,” presented by Susan Salka (sponsored by Anthem). Breakout sessions begin at 11:15 a.m. Mountain time and continue until 5 p.m. The Expo is open until 7 p.m. and is the location of the Knowledge Hub (sponsored by ClearlyRated), where you can find Speed Talks, Tech Talks, and Game Changers—mix and match these microlearning opportunities for a customized experience. There is an Expo Reception today from 5 to 7 p.m. (sponsored by Essium).

Keep up with what’s going on at the convention—visit the ASA Facebook page for photos of convention highlights, follow @StaffingTweets on Twitter for top tweets about #StaffingWorld, and check out @americanstaffingassociation on Instagram for stories and pictures of all the action.

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Major Health Care Labor Shortages Projected in Every State by 2026

Upcoming Events

Staffing Sales Rise in Second Quarter


Free ASA Webinar Next Week—Creating Opportunities for Disabled Workers

One in five people in the U.S. have a disability, so there’s a strong likelihood that individuals working in your company have disabilities or have ties to someone with disabilities—and studies have shown that fostering a corporate culture that is inclusive of people with disabilities is a good business practice. Find out how to remove stigmas and barriers associated with disability during the ASA webinar “Disability Inclusion in the Workplace.” It takes place Wednesday, Oct. 6, 3–4 p.m. Eastern time.

All ASA webinars are free for ASA members, and most qualify for continuing education hours toward ASA certification renewal. To learn more and to register, visit

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Network in Your Niche—Virtually

As your staffing firm faces new challenges and tries to answer unexpected questions, are you dealing with questions that are specific to your sector of the staffing industry? Get insight from industry peers during a sector-specific peer networking call where you can discuss top-of-mind challenges and devise solutions. Calls are facilitated by volunteers from ASA section communities (participants will not receive official legal updates or guidance regarding Covid-19).

Get the full schedule and register at

  • Office–administrative section: Tuesday, Oct. 5, 1–2 p.m. Eastern time
  • Search and placement section: Wednesday, Oct. 6, 1–2 p.m. Eastern time
  • Engineering, IT, and scientific section: Thursday, Oct. 7, 1–2 p.m. Eastern time
  • Industrial section: Tuesday, Nov. 16, 1–2 p.m. Eastern time
  • Professional–managerial section: Wednesday, Nov. 17, 1–2 p.m. Eastern time
  • Health care section: Thursday, Nov. 18, 1–2 p.m. Eastern time

Networking calls are open to members of ASA sections, which are sector-specific communities that provide resources, webinars, town hall forums, and sector-specific news for member companies and their employees. To join a section, update your profile on ASA Central.

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ASA Corporate Partners

Staffing Today is published by the American Staffing Association, with news abstracts copyrighted in 2025 by SmithBucklin of Chicago, IL, and all other content copyrighted in 2025 by ASA. No part of this publication may be reproduced without permission.

About ASA

The American Staffing Association is the voice of the U.S. staffing, recruiting, and workforce solutions industry. Learn more at

American Staffing Association
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Suite 200
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