Staffing World 2015, the largest, most comprehensive convention and expo in the staffing, recruiting, and workforce solutions industry, takes place Oct. 27–29 at the Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center in Nashville, TN.
Headlining the convention are three world-class keynote speakers:
- Stephen J. Dubner, award-winning journalist and co-author of books such as Freakonomics and When to Rob a Bank: And 131 More Warped Suggestions and Well-Intended Rants; presenting “Retrain Your Business Brain—Think Like a Freak”
- Jim Clifton, chairman and chief executive officer of Gallup; presenting “Good to Great? Or Lousy to Good? Achieving Sustainable Organic Growth Through Engaged Client Relationships”
- Seth Mattison, founder and chief movement officer of FutureSight Labs; presenting “The Great Business Shift—Building Next-Generation Enterprises for a Next-Generation Workforce”
And there’s more in store at Staffing World—check out for the convention agenda, travel information, exhibitor information, and more, and register for Staffing World today. Save up to $150 per person when you register by Sept. 11.