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Freelancers Multiply as Economy Struggles

Southgate News Herald (Michigan) (02/24/12)

As the economy continues to struggle, freelancers are in great demand as companies trim payrolls and turn to part-time and contract workers. According to data from Kelly Services, approximately 44% of the active work force in 2011 were freelancers, a 70% increase since 2008. By 2020, more than 50% of the private work force will comprise freelancers, independent contractors, and solo entrepreneurs, according to MBO Partners.

Fabio Rosati, the chief executive officer of Elance, says there has been a “structural change in traditional employment” as companies increasingly adopt online and contingent work as a key business strategy. The jobs in greatest demand include software development, mobile technology, graphic design, content writing, Internet marketing, and specialists in WordPress, Facebook, and Twitter.