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Three in 10 Companies Expect to Hire for Executive-Level Positions Over Next Six Months, According to CareerBuilder and Survey

CareerBuilder News Release (05/03/12)

The hiring landscape for executives is improving along with the rest of the labor market, according to a new survey from ASA corporate partner CareerBuilder and Thirty-one percent of employers expect to hire for executive-level positions over the next six months, up from 23% in October’s forecast.

Employers are recruiting senior leadership for a range of business functions, but certain areas will see the most focus. Of employers hiring executives, nearly a quarter (24%) will hire in business development, followed by information technology (23%), sales (22%), marketing (19%), and accounting or finance (19%).

“Hiring trends for executive-level management mirror what we’re seeing in the labor market for all workers,” says Brent Rasmussen, president of CareerBuilder North America. “As companies look to expand their sales force, develop new products, and improve their tech infrastructure, the need for diverse, experienced leadership grows along with these initiatives.”