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Insperity Announces Second Quarter Results

Insperity Inc. News Release (07/31/12)

Insperity Inc. on July 31 reported results for the second quarter and six months ended June 30. For the second quarter, the company reported net income of $5.6 million and diluted earnings per share of $0.22. For the six months ended June 30, the company reported net income of $19.5 million, a 25.6% increase over the $15.5 million earned in the 2011 period. Diluted earnings per share were $0.75, an increase of 27.1% over the 2011 period.

Revenues for the second quarter of 2012 increased 9.8% over the second quarter of 2011 due to an 8.3% increase in the average number of work site employees paid per month and a 1.3% increase in revenues per work site employee per month. Gross profit increased 4.1% over the second quarter of 2011 to $87.3 million.

“We are pleased with the quarter and the first half of 2012, especially against the backdrop of a slowing economy,” says Paul J. Sarvadi, Insperity chairman and chief executive officer. “We are positioned well to continue our business transformation, including cross-selling current and new product offerings over the balance of the year.”