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Oct 20, 2020 Oct 22, 2020

Today at Staffing World—Get Tips for Working Better

Staffing World® 2020, the ASA annual convention and expo, resumes later today right on your computer or other device. The second day of the immersive virtual experience kicked off yesterday with the introduction of the 2021 National Staffing Employee of the Year and Sector All-Stars (sponsored by StaffPRO3). Then keynote speaker Erik Qualman offered his insights in the presentation “Digital Transformation: Design Your Future” (sponsored by World Wide Specialty Programs).

Today is Work Better Wednesday, featuring content that focuses on workplace culture. First, keynote speaker Marc Morial of National Urban League will look at how employers can inspire change, success, and prosperity while surviving a pandemic, navigating a recession, facing unemployment, and battling social injustice (sponsored by Anthem). Breakout sessions in the afternoon will cover such topics as employment law, internal retention strategies, and onboarding tactics. Educational sessions take place from 12:45 to 5:30 p.m. Eastern time, and the virtual expo hall is open until 5 p.m.

ASA Advocacy Leads to Favorable Interpretation of New Maine Law Limiting Restrictive Employment Agreements

Last year, Maine enacted a law that focused on limiting the use of noncompete agreements but included language that could have barred the use of staffing firm conversion fees.

The law defined a “restrictive employment agreement” as an agreement between two or more employers, including through a franchise agreement or a contractor and subcontractor agreement, that prohibits or restricts the employers from soliciting or hiring one another’s employees or former employees. The concern was whether this language could be construed to prohibit the use of conversion fees by staffing firms. After hearing from some members that clients were pushing back on agreements that contained traditional conversion fee language, ASA sought clarification from the state’s department of labor.

In a letter to the Maine commissioner of labor, ASA asserted that the law’s prohibition against restrictive employment agreements should not apply to staffing firm conversion fees charged to clients. The Maine Bureau of Labor Standards replied that because the legislature did not appear to have considered the consequence of prohibiting staffing firm conversion fees when writing the law, the department of labor “does not intend at this time to pursue penalties or otherwise enforce alleged violations of the law involving reasonable conversion fees.”

Staffing firms doing business in Maine should share this information with any clients that are concerned about traditional conversion fee language that appears in their agreements.

ASA Inducts Former ManpowerGroup Executive Jeffrey Joerres Into Leadership Hall of Fame

Former ManpowerGroup executive Jeffrey Joerres is the newest inductee into the ASA Leadership Hall of Fame, which was created in 1985 to recognize outstanding contribution and dedicated service to ASA and the staffing and recruiting industry. Joerres was celebrated Oct. 19 at Staffing World, the association’s annual convention and expo (a virtual event in 2020).

Under Joerres’s leadership, ManpowerGroup experienced rapid growth, expanding the footprint of the organization to 3,100 offices across more than 75 countries with revenues in excess of $20 billion. He retired in December 2015 after serving as chairman and chief executive officer for 15 years. He joined the organization in 1993, and also held other key leadership roles in sales, marketing and operations.

“I am delighted to welcome Jeff Joerres as this year’s inductee to the ASA Leadership Hall of Fame,” said Richard Wahlquist, ASA president and chief executive officer. “Jeff is a visionary and inspiring thought leader who contributed to the advancement of ASA and the entire staffing industry. Over the years, he effectively led efforts to promote and advance industry interests in global staffing markets—large, small, and emerging. Jeff’s passionate commitment to equity, integrity, innovation, and professionalism have benefited the entire staffing industry, the clients it serves, and the millions of people it places and employs every day.”

Get Your Staffing Benchmarks and Projections

The association’s quarterly Staffing Employment and Sales Survey for the third quarter of 2020 is now open. Staffing companies that complete the brief survey by Nov. 13 receive an exclusive report on the results, which includes sales and gross margin projections.

Register to take the survey, or view the questionnaire, at If you have questions or did not receive a survey link, email There are no fees to participate.