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Mar 16, 2021 Mar 18, 2021

Don’t Miss THRIVE, a Virtual Event for Women in Staffing, on May 19

Are you a woman looking for ways to grow your leadership skills and expand your professional reach? ASA THRIVE will deliver valuable content designed especially for women in the staffing industry. Learn from and connect with standout women leaders in a collaborative virtual environment.

At the second virtual ASA THRIVE, keynote speaker Heather Monahan will teach you how to build confidence, make a plan to help others create confidence, and spark systemic and lasting change within your organization. It takes place Wednesday, May 19, from 1:30 to 6 p.m. Eastern time.

Rates start at $70 for members. Learn more and register at

Free ASA Webinar Today—About ASA Professional Development Programs

Don’t miss the ASA webinar “Gain a Competitive Advantage With ASA Certification.” It takes place today from 3 to 4 p.m. Eastern time. Make this the year you stand out professionally and earn your certification from ASA—learn how earning the Certified Staffing Professional®, Technical Services CertifiedSM, Certified Search Consultant®, or Certified Health Care Staffing Professional® credential can give you a competitive advantage and enhance your value to clients and candidates. Sponsored by Essential StaffCARE.

All ASA webinars are free for ASA members, and most qualify for continuing education hours toward ASA certification renewal. To learn more and to register, visit

Tour the Essential Elements of Staffing Technology in the ASA Staffing Tech Center

The ASA Staffing Tech Center is a valuable source of technology-related information and solutions for your company, including a look at the newest and most innovative technology tools.

A newly expanded ebook about the staffing firm of the future offers strategic insight and guidance to help staffing firms prepare for the future and consider new ways of generating value.

Find out about the newest technology tools for client attraction and engagement; candidate attraction, screening, engagement, and retention; and back-office efficiency; then learn how to utilize enhancements that have recently been introduced for software you already use in your business. Other resources include a guide to the ASA technology ecosystem map, analyses of emerging technology in the industry, recordings of free technology demonstration webinars, and more. Visit to get started.

U.S. Department of Labor Issues New Guidance to States on Implementing American Rescue Plan Act Unemployment Insurance ProvisionsM

This content is for ASA members only.

If you’re already a member, please sign in to read more.