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Participate in the ASA Mentor Match Program—Applications Are Being Accepted Now

Are you looking to support your colleagues and help advance future leaders in the staffing and recruiting industry? Enroll as a mentor in the ASA Mentor Match program. Mentor Match allows members to make valuable industry connections, define career goals, and gain insight from staffing peers. The goal of the program is to help members grow professionally and network with fellow ASA members.

Mentors are matched with a mentee based on areas of expertise for a six-month period. Applications for the six-month cycle that begins in January will be accepted through Oct. 31. Visit to get started.

Free ASA Webinar Tomorrow—Choosing the Best Location for Your Business Operations

Don’t miss tomorrow’s ASA webinar “Balancing Act: The Benefits and Challenges of Offshoring, Reshoring, and Nearshoring,” 2–3 p.m. Eastern time. A panel of experts will explain how offshoring, nearshoring, and reshoring options are reshaping the staffing industry and discuss strategies for effectively managing local and global teams. Presented by the ASA direct hire section and the ASA engineering, IT, and scientific section.

All ASA webinars are free for ASA members, and most qualify for continuing education hours toward ASA certification renewal. To learn more and to register, visit

Illinois DOL Issues Sample Application Receipt Form for Temporary Workers

The Illinois Department of Labor has published a sample form and instructions for complying with the new law requiring staffing agencies to provide temporary laborers who seek work but are not placed in a job with an “application receipt” confirming that they applied for work. The requirement was part of a package of amendments to the Day and Temporary Labor Services Act that became effective Aug. 9.

Application receipts must be provided to individuals applying for work with a staffing agency in person, by telephone, online, or through an app-based system. The receipt must be provided in person, online, through an app-based system, or by text message. Receipts must be signed by a staffing agency employee and, by law, must contain the name and location of the staffing agency and branch office; the name and address of the applicant; the date and time the applicant sought the work assignment; the manner in which the applicant sought the work assignment; and the specific work sites or type of jobs sought by the applicant, if applicable.

Although the applicant receipt provision does not specify, it appears that the requirement that a staffing agency employee sign the receipt can be satisfied by electronic means. Illinois has adopted the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act, which recognizes the validity of electronic records and signatures. Section 7(d) of the UETA provides that “if a law requires a signature, an electronic signature satisfies the law.” Electronic signature means “an electronic sound, symbol, or process attached to or logically associated with a record and executed or adopted by a person with the intent to sign the record.”

The state DOL’s instructions for complying with the application receipt requirement state that the “sample form is for guidance only related to the content. Formatting and other visual characteristics of the form are the employer’s responsibility.” Because staffing agencies’ onboarding systems and software capabilities vary considerably, staffing agencies are urged to consult with their systems suppliers and employment law counsel on how best to comply with the new requirement.