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ASA Staffing Index: Staffing Index Back Down to 89 in October

Staffing employment declined during the week of Oct. 7–13, with the ASA Staffing Index decreasing by 1.5% to a rounded value of 89. Staffing jobs were down 10.7% compared with the same week last year, widening the gap from 9.5% the previous week. Staffing companies listed no one primary factor that prevented further growth.

New starts inched up in the 41st week of the year, up 0.6% from the prior week. Three in 10 staffing companies (31%) reported gains in new assignments week-to-week, 10 points below the average of 41% per week so far this year.

The ASA Staffing Index four-week moving average decreased from the prior week to hold at a rounded value of 90, and temporary and contract staffing employment for the four weeks ending Oct. 13 was 10.8% lower than the same period in 2023.

“September’s highs paved the way for slowing momentum in the ASA Staffing Index in October, with fluctuations staying close to a baseline of 90. Despite some erosion in last month’s gains, the fact that staffing employment typically experiences an end-of-year boost suggests that the index may not remain below 90 for long,” said Noah Yosif, chief economist at ASA.

This week will be used in the October monthly employment situation report scheduled to be issued by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Nov. 1.

It’s Here! Staffing World 2024 Kicks Off Today

Staffing World® 2024 begins today and continues through Thursday at the Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center in Nashville, TN. The ASA annual convention and expo is the staffing and recruiting industry’s biggest, most comprehensive learning and networking event.

Today, don’t miss the Staffing World Welcome Mixer at 2 p.m. Central time (sponsored by T2 Insurance Solutions), followed by the Super Session at 3:30 p.m. featuring keynote presenter Peter Diamandis (sponsored by World Wide Specialty, a Division of Philadelphia Insurance Cos.), presentation of the ASA Leadership Hall of Fame Award (sponsored by Nixer Comp Inc.), and presentation of the ASA Volunteer of the Year Award. Then it’s the Nash Bash Expo Grand Opening Reception at 5 p.m.—including Staffing’s Got Talent (powered by RefAssured), Knowledge Hub Talks (Knowledge Hub sponsored by Benefits in a Card), and Author Talks at the Staffing World Bookstore.

Tomorrow’s programming begins with the Super Session featuring keynote presenter Erica Dhawan (sponsored by LinkedIn), the ASA annual membership meeting, and presentation of the 2025 National Staffing Employee of the Year Award (sponsored by PMC Insurance Group). Breakout sessions take place tomorrow from 11:15 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., and the expo is open from 10 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.

If you aren’t able to attend the ASA annual convention and expo in person, you can connect on social media and check out the #StaffingWorld hashtag to learn about what’s happening.

Be a Mentor for Your Industry Peers—Applications Due Next Week

ASA provides a resource designed for staffing industry professionals interested in improving professionalism within the industry by serving as a mentor to their colleagues—the ASA Mentor Match platform. Mentor Match allows members on both sides of the mentoring relationship to make valuable industry connections and gain insight from staffing peers.

Submit your application now for the six-month cycle that begins in January—applications are due Oct. 31.

Visit to get started as a mentor.