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ASA Central

A dynamic online community for ASA members to exchange ideas and best practices, and connect with industry peers in their sector. Visit the site ›
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This powerful online resource enables staffing companies to find and access industry supplier information, products and services. Visit the site ›
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Staffing Today Newsletter

Your #1 daily source for news about the workforce industry. With versions available to members and nonmembers. Visit the site ›
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Affordable Care Act Resources for Staffing

Up-to-date news, resources, interactive tools, and more—all focused on helping ASA members comply with the ACA. Visit the site ›
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Staffing Industry Suppliers

ASA has numerous and diverse marketing opportunities available to help you reach the rapidly growing staffing industry. Visit the site ›
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From certification packages and study guides to marketing tools and data reports, ASA resources add value to your business. Visit the site ›

ASA Quarterly Survey Now Open—Get Free Staffing Employment and Sales Data

The association’s quarterly Staffing Employment and Sales Survey for the fourth quarter of 2024 is now open. Participate in the survey and compare how your company is doing with similar-sized companies and firms within your industry sector.

After completing the survey, you will be able to access an exclusive online report archive, which includes benchmarks for the number of direct hire searches and permanent placements, sector-specific gross margin trends, and payroll and productivity metrics by company size. Participate by Feb. 28 to get the staffing industry information you’re looking for.

Register to take the survey at If you have questions or did not receive a survey link, email There are no fees to participate.