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Free ASA Webinar Next Week—Strategies to Boost Profits

If you aren’t paying attention to workplace incidents and injuries, that may be an area where you can reduce costs and improve your bottom line. Lee Castine of VensureHR Staffing Alliance, part of ASA corporate partner Vensure Employer Solutions, will explore strategies for building stronger relationships with clients and host company locations, controlling workers’ compensation expenses, and developing a back-office audit process during the ASA webinar “How to Maximize Net Profits in Workers’ Compensation and the Back Office: Strategies for Success.” It takes place Thursday, Jan. 30, 2–3 p.m. Eastern time. Sponsored by VensureHR Staffing Alliance.

All ASA webinars are free for ASA members, and most qualify for continuing education hours toward ASA certification renewal. To learn more and to register, visit

Member Sound Off: Recruiting Trends in the New Year

What’s going to change for the staffing and recruiting industry in the coming year? What—if anything—will remain the same? Find out how your peers answered these questions in the latest issue of Staffing Success magazine.

Member Sound Off highlights answers to intriguing questions from industry leaders. For this issue, members were asked to make predictions about what the staffing and recruiting industry should focus on in the new year.

Access the current issue and back issues of Staffing Success, and other ASA digital publications, at