Online Community

ASA Central

A dynamic online community for ASA members to exchange ideas and best practices, and connect with industry peers in their sector. Visit the site ›
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ASA Marketplace

This powerful online resource enables staffing companies to find and access industry supplier information, products and services. Visit the site ›
Daily Publication

Staffing Today Newsletter

Your #1 daily source for news about the workforce industry. With versions available to members and nonmembers. Visit the site ›
Health Care Reform

Affordable Care Act Resources for Staffing

Up-to-date news, resources, interactive tools, and more—all focused on helping ASA members comply with the ACA. Visit the site ›
Advertisers & Exhibitors

Staffing Industry Suppliers

ASA has numerous and diverse marketing opportunities available to help you reach the rapidly growing staffing industry. Visit the site ›
Exclusive Products

ASA Store

From certification packages and study guides to marketing tools and data reports, ASA resources add value to your business. Visit the site ›

Get Ready for New AI Laws at the ASA Staffing Law & Compliance Conference

Navigating compliance in 2025 means preparing for new regulations, heightened enforcement, and emerging risks that could affect your business. The 2025 ASA Staffing Law & Compliance Conference will give you the insights and strategies you need to protect your firm and stay ahead.

Come to Washington, DC, May 8–9 for sessions led by top legal experts, including “Artificial Intelligence: Anxiety or Opportunity?” AI is reshaping the staffing industry—but evolving laws could create new compliance risks. Find out about federal and state regulations affecting AI use; how AI tools can enhance recruitment, retention, and employee engagement; which compliance risks you should address now; and more.

Visit to learn more and register.

Welcome New ASA Members

The ASA board of directors and staff welcome the following new members, which joined during the week ending March 9.

Excel Staffing Solutions LLC
Rochester, NY
Meadows Staffing Group
East Longmeadow, MA