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Come to Staffing World to Hear Top Female Keynote Speaker Erica Dhawan

Are you ready to create your best future alongside the industry’s brightest leaders? Staffing World® 2024, the ASA annual convention and expo, brings together people from all experience levels and segments of the staffing industry for unprecedented learning, networking, and collective advancement.

This year’s event, Oct. 22–24 in Nashville, TN, will feature one of the world’s leading female keynote speakers. Don’t miss the keynote by Erica Dhawan—an internationally recognized authority on 21st-century innovation, collaboration, and teamwork. She is the author of Get Big Things Done: The Power of Connectional Intelligence and has worked with leading companies such as Cisco, Coca-Cola, Nike, Chase, FedEx, and Mercedes Benz to drive exponential growth.

Learn more and register at by Sept. 21—rates will increase after that date.