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Free Webinar Tomorrow—What’s Ahead for the Staffing Industry

Don’t miss tomorrow’s webinar presented by ASA corporate partner ClearlyRated, “The Year Ahead in Staffing: From AI to Z,” 1–2 p.m. Eastern time. After two challenging years for the staffing industry, experts are forecasting renewed growth in 2025. Savvy firms recognize that growth is predicated on their ability to successfully navigate economic uncertainty, changing demographics, and emerging technologies.

ClearlyRated founder Eric Gregg will facilitate a conversation with CareerBuilder + Monster director of sales Danny Ashraf and ASA chief economist Noah Yosif to share insights, trends, and predictions for the year ahead, as well as pragmatic advice for how your firm can stay ahead of the competition. To learn more and to register, visit

ASA Promotes Top Staffing Industry Policy Issues With Trump Transition Team

On Jan. 8, members of ASA staff met with U.S. Department of Labor transition team for president-elect Trump to promote the association’s priorities and suggested areas of focus. The discussion included concerns around worker misclassification, continued support for temporary worker safety resources in coordination with the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, artificial intelligence in the employment context, immigration reform, reauthorization of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, and federal apprenticeship programs. ASA looks forward to working with the department’s new leadership and ensuring the staffing industry’s voice is heard. The issues shared with the administration are set forth in the association’s 2025 Policy Agenda.

Get Technology Tips in the ASA Staffing Tech Center

Technology is advancing at a rapid pace, providing innovative new ways to source, engage, select, and hire candidates. Navigating and understanding the technology landscape, however, is a challenge. ASA and Talent Tech Labs conducted an industry-wide survey to understand how staffing firms are leveraging talent acquisition technology—as well as how satisfied they are with specific tools and suppliers.

Take a look at the results for help benchmarking your own firm’s use of technology against your peers and mapping out your firm’s technology roadmap. Learn more at the ASA Staffing Tech Center.

Free Webinar This Week—What’s Ahead for the Staffing Industry

After two challenging years for the staffing industry, experts are forecasting renewed growth in 2025. However, savvy firms recognize that growth is predicated on their ability to successfully navigate economic uncertainty, changing demographics, and emerging technologies—including powerful artificial intelligence models. Join ClearlyRated founder Eric Gregg, in a conversation with CareerBuilder + Monster director of sales Danny Ashraf and ASA chief economist Noah Yosif, during “The Year Ahead in Staffing: From AI to Z,” Thursday, Jan. 16, 1–2 p.m. Eastern time.

The panel will share insights, trends, and predictions for the year ahead, as well as pragmatic advice for how your firm can stay ahead of the competition. To learn more and to register, visit

New Resource for Temporary Worker Safety

Temporary worker safety should be a top priority of all staffing firms. Through its formal alliance with the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, ASA and members of the association’s employee safety committee worked with OSHA representatives to finalize new “Temporary Worker Frequently Asked Questions” intended to help all stakeholders better understand the temporary worker employment relationship and the obligations of both host employers and staffing firms, providing answers to common questions on training, record-keeping, personal protective equipment, and more.

You can find the FAQs, along with many other resources for ensuring temporary worker safety, on the ASA Safety Matters web page.

Share Your Expertise at Staffing World—Proposals Due This Month

The American Staffing Association’s call for subject matter experts is currently open. Do you have insights that are essential to the staffing, recruiting, or workforce solutions industry that you’d like to share with the ASA community in 2025? Submit your proposal today for your chance to speak at Staffing World®, the ASA annual convention and expo, or to present an ASA webinar.

Present a breakout session (60- to 75-minute interactive presentation) or Speed Talk (10-minute talk on a topic important to the industry) at Staffing World 2025, Oct. 6–8 in Orlando. Proposals for Staffing World breakout sessions are due Jan. 31, and proposals for Staffing World Speed Talks are due May 31.

Present an ASA webinar (60-minute presentation on a topic important to the industry). Webinars take place virtually, usually on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Proposals for ASA webinars are accepted throughout the year.

For more information and to start your submission, visit

ConverzAI Joins ASA as Newest Corporate Partner

ASA announced today that ConverzAI, pioneers of AI Virtual Recruiter and Voice AI platform for the staffing and recruiting industry, is the newest member of the ASA corporate partner program.

An ASA corporate partnership represents the highest level of support for the association and the U.S. staffing, recruiting, and talent solutions industry. ConverzAI’s support will allow ASA to both strengthen its current programs and initiatives and explore new opportunities to support its members.

“ConverzAI’s cutting-edge technology can help staffing and recruiting firms grow their revenue potential,” said ASA chief executive officer, Richard Wahlquist. “The partnership with ConverzAI will play a key role in helping ASA serve as the leading voice for the staffing and recruiting industry in the future.”

“The partnership between ConverzAI and the American Staffing Association signifies a powerful alliance committed to advancing the staffing industry,” said Ashwarya Poddar, founder and CEO of ConverzAI. “This collaboration embodies our shared dedication to driving innovation and accelerating industry-wide transformation, while improving staffing delivery and outcomes for customers of staffing companies. Together, we’re championing a future where the staffing industry can stay ahead of the tech curve, workers thrive, and businesses achieve superior results.”

ASA Quarterly Survey Now Open—Get Free Staffing Employment and Sales Data

The association’s quarterly Staffing Employment and Sales Survey for the fourth quarter of 2024 is now open. Participate in the survey and compare how your company is doing with similar-sized companies and firms within your industry sector.

After completing the survey, you will be able to access an exclusive online report archive, which includes benchmarks for the number of direct hire searches and permanent placements, sector-specific gross margin trends, and payroll and productivity metrics by company size. Participate by Feb. 28 to get the staffing industry information you’re looking for.

Register to take the survey at If you have questions or did not receive a survey link, email There are no fees to participate.

Traveling for ExecuVision? Make Your Hotel Reservation Now

ExecuVision 2025 is an exclusive event that brings together top staffing industry leaders for a one-of-a-kind experience combining in-depth discussions with innovative strategies in intimate, retreat-style sessions. It takes place Feb. 11–12 in Miami, and a special block of rooms is available for ExecuVision attendees—but the deadline to reserve rooms at the ASA ExecuVision group rate is next Friday, Jan. 17.

Join c-suite staffing executives to learn what truly makes businesses thrive in challenging times—and hear keynote speaker Jim Collins, a legend among the world’s most influential business leaders, deliver an exclusive leadership masterclass. Attendance is limited to just 200 staffing industry executives so that participants will be able to engage deeply with their peers who are shaping the next generation of staffing. Secure your seat today at

Help Clients Understand Their Obligations With the Joint Employment Tool Kit

Are your clients confused about the various laws and rules pertaining to joint employment in third-party staffing arrangements? To assist members in addressing client’s questions and concerns regarding joint employment, ASA published the ASA Joint Employment Tool Kit, which offers a collection of resources to help staffing companies address client concerns about co-employment (the relationship between a staffing firm and its client in which each has legal rights and duties with respect to the same employees). The tool kit includes fact sheets, issue papers, and sample letters to clients that dispel myths regarding joint employment and explain how working with a staffing agency can actually protect clients from liability. It’s free to ASA members.