ASA representatives met last week with top officials from the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Tax Policy. They presented the association’s position that owners of staffing firms should be eligible for the 20% deduction for qualified business income from “passthrough” businesses such as S corporations, limited liability companies, and sole proprietorships. The deduction is part of the sweeping tax reform legislation signed into law last year. ASA advanced strong arguments in support of owners of staffing firms being eligible for the tax deduction.
Ortoli | Rosenstadt: What Exactly Is a Seller Responsible for When Selling Its Staffing Firm?
Buyers of a business generally expect sellers to be responsible for certain liabilities relating to when the seller owned its business—a concept mergers and acquisitions professionals refer to as indemnification. Indemnification is one of the most heavily negotiated, and potentially most significant, provisions of a purchase agreement, and understanding the terminology common to such agreements is essential when negotiating a deal. Attorney Paul Pincus of Ortoli Rosenstadt LLP explains what sellers are liable for, how a seller’s liability may be limited, and how buyers may seek to fund potential indemnity claims.
Small-Business Economy Heats Up After Years on the Sideline
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U.S. Consumer Prices Slow in February
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Register for the ASA Staffing Law Conference—Savings End Friday
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8% Decrease to Montana’s Workers’ Compensation Rates Approved
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Michigan Court of Appeals Offers Guidance to Employers in Documenting Reasons for Hiring, Promotions
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Colorado Law Claims for Unpaid Wages Limited to Two or Three Years Prior to Termination
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Obesity ‘Regarded as’ Disability Under ADA
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Hiring and Wage and Hour Law in Texas
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U.S. Labor Market Tightens as Employers Report Sustained Demand for Skilled Workers
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Construction Employment Rises in Majority of States and DC
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