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Sep 14, 2020 Sep 16, 2020

New Scholarship Opportunity for Women Leaders—Apply Today

New in 2020, the ASA Women in Leadership Scholarship Program aims to raise the visibility of women in the staffing industry as well as provide scholarships that cover registration fees for Staffing World® (a virtual event taking place Oct. 19–22 this year), and ASA Women in Leadership THRIVE (a virtual event Nov. 17).

ASA will award scholarships to two rising stars who are committed to a career in staffing and have shown career growth potential. Find out more and submit your application at americanstaffing.netthe deadline to apply is Sept. 21.

Develop Skills in the Era of Remote Work—Learn How at Staffing World 2020

Staffing World® 2020 takes place Oct. 19–22—right on your computer or other device. This year, the ASA annual convention and expo will be an immersive virtual experience where you can connect with staffing peers and get resources you can use to grow your business during more than 30 high-caliber learning sessions, including “The Post Covid-19 Learning Landscape: Skill-Building in the Era of Remote Work.”

Sellers and recruiters must adjust the way they do business in order to meet prospective clients where they are in a rapidly changing business landscape. What are the skills for successful virtual selling, recruiting, and leading? Presenter Mary Ann McLaughlin of Butler Street Consulting will explore how virtual training and hybrid learning can increase employee retention and productivity.

Plan to attend this special industry event Oct. 19–22. ASA-certified professionals can earn up to # continuing education hours by participating in workshops and other content sessions. Get more information and register online at

The Law and You—Improving Diversity and Inclusion

Increased diversity and inclusion in a business lead to better decision-making, greater employee empowerment, increased positive company profile, and customer recognition and comfort. It is therefore no surprise that staffing companies and the clients they support are increasingly looking for ways not only to increase diversity in their workforces, but also to develop more effective strategies for inclusion. In the scenario analyzed in the latest issue of Staffing Success magazine, learn about some of the keys to successful and lawful diversity and inclusion initiatives.

Access the current issue and back issues of Staffing Success, and other ASA digital publications, at

Larger Employers Must Act Quickly to Address California’s New Supplemental Paid Sick Leave Law, Including Making Changes to Paystubs Within 10 DaysM

This content is for ASA members only.

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