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Jul 19, 2021 Jul 21, 2021

ASA Quarterly Survey Now Open—Get Free Staffing Employment and Sales Data

The association’s quarterly Staffing Employment and Sales Survey for the second quarter of 2021 is now open. Staffing companies that complete the brief survey—including search and placement firms—will have access to an exclusive report on the results, enhanced with graphs. The report, which participants can download from the ASA website, also includes an executive summary, projections, plus sales category and sector-level data.

The data collected by this survey enable ASA to track staffing sales and gross margin trends and provide direct hire metrics. Participate in the Staffing Employment and Sales Survey by Sept. 9 to get the staffing industry information you’re looking for.

Register to take the survey, or view the questionnaire, at If you have questions or did not receive a survey link, email There are no fees to participate.

Free ASA Webinar Tomorrow—Build a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Program

Don’t miss tomorrow’s ASA webinar “How to Build Your Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Program,” 3–4 p.m. Eastern time. Hear how you can increase or enhance your firm’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion through organization-wide policies, practices, programs, and processes—even with limited resources. Presented by the ASA inclusion, diversity, and equity advocacy (IDEA) group, which is sponsored by ASA corporate partner Monster and by Anthem, along with supporting sponsors TerraFirma and WorkN.

All ASA webinars are free for ASA members, and most qualify for continuing education hours toward ASA certification renewal. To learn more and to register, visit

Plan Your Professional Development for Staffing World 2021—Session Descriptions Are Online

Get information about the educational sessions planned for Staffing World® 2021, where the staffing community comes together to make strategic connections and get solutions that fuel growth and success. The theme for this year’s event is “Better Together, Stronger Ahead.”

Session descriptions for this year’s annual convention and expo are now available at Get the details about more than 20 educational sessions—including three powerful keynote presentations—and plan your professional development experience. Staffing World takes place Sept. 28–30 this year at the Gaylord Rockies Resort & Convention Center in Denver. Register today for the best rate available at

California Supreme Court Announces New Standard That Meal and Rest Period Premiums Must Be Paid at Same ‘Regular Rate of Pay’ Used to Calculate Overtime PaymentsM

This content is for ASA members only.

If you’re already a member, please sign in to read more.

Massachusetts Executive Office for Administration and Finance Issues Sample Covid-19 Emergency Paid Sick Leave Form and Reimbursement InstructionsM

This content is for ASA members only.

If you’re already a member, please sign in to read more.