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Present Your Ideas at Staffing World 2024—Deadline Next Week

Do you have insights to share with the ASA community? ASA is looking for subject matter experts in the staffing industry to participate at Staffing World®, the ASA annual convention and expo, which this year takes place Oct. 22–24 in Nashville, TN.

Proposals for Staffing World Knowledge Hub Tech Talks and Speed Talks—10-minute talks on technology topics or on broader industry topics—are due May 31. Submit your idea today for your chance to speak at Staffing World.

ASA Files New Legal Challenge to New Jersey Temporary Worker Law

ASA has filed a new claim in the lawsuit filed last year to overturn the New Jersey Temporary Workers’ Bill of Rights Act, which mandates equal pay and benefits for temporary employees performing similar work as their client counterparts. The new claim, filed May 21, asserts that the benefits mandate conflicts with the federal Employee Retirement Income Security Act, citing a recent federal court ruling blocking a similar benefits provision in Illinois.