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ASA CEO Richard Wahlquist to Retire; ASA President Stephen C. Dwyer Will Become CEO in 2026

ASA chief executive officer Richard Wahlquist, whose vision led to the expansion of the ASA education, learning, and advocacy programs, has announced his retirement at the end of 2025. ASA president Stephen C. Dwyer will assume the role of chief executive officer Jan. 1, 2026.

During Wahlquist’s time as chief executive officer, the association’s scope, effectiveness, and recognition as the voice of the staffing, recruiting, and workforce solutions industry grew exponentially, both in the U.S. and internationally. “It’s been the honor of a lifetime to work with the incredible team at ASA; its current and past boards of directors; and the wonderful members of the staffing, recruiting, and workforce solutions industry,” Wahlquist said. “As staffing faces new challenges and opportunities for growth, Stephen’s forward-thinking vision and passion for the industry will be instrumental to the association and industry’s continued growth.”

Dwyer has worked at ASA since 2002. As senior vice president and chief legal officer, he led legal and public affairs campaigns to advocate for the industry. Since being named president in 2023, Dwyer has spearheaded organizational transformations to allow ASA to better serve its members. “I’m humbled at the opportunity to support the industry as the chief executive officer at ASA,” Dwyer said. “Richard’s steadfast leadership has helped the industry evolve and innovate, navigating economic downturns, market fluctuations, and even a global pandemic. I look forward to helping build on his legacy of success at ASA.”

Register Today for the 2025 Staffing Law & Compliance Conference

Renamed last year to better reflect its important focus on compliance and related human resource content, the ASA Staffing Law & Compliance Conference takes place May 8–9 in Washington, DC. Subject matter experts will discuss the industry’s most pressing topics—including new laws and regulations at the federal and state level.

Get the information you need to stay ahead of legal changes, gain confidence in compliance issues, and navigate upcoming policy shifts; equip yourself with strategies and tools that will help your firm stay ahead of evolving regulations; and connect with like-minded professionals who face the same challenges—and have solutions to share.

Visit to learn about the scheduled sessions, make your travel plans, and register before rates increase.