Insurance Applications Group, the insurance broker for the insurance program known as Essential StaffCARE, announced the closure of its corporate headquarters Jan. 17. IAG also informed its staff that they were not to report to work.
ASA has been working with the company that administers that insurance program, Planned Administrators Inc.; the carrier that provides the coverage under the program, BCS Insurance; and industry brokers connected to the program to ensure no disruption of current coverage.
PAI and BCS have confirmed that current insurance coverage will not be disrupted as a result of IAG no longer being the broker of record for the program.
In a statement to customers, PAI noted, “I understand you might have some questions and concerns regarding your current limited benefit plans administered by PAI. I am reaching out to let you know there is nothing you need to do at this time to continue with your limited benefit plans. PAI and our carrier partners are fully committed to your limited benefit program, and we look forward to continuing our partnership for years to come. If we need to make any administrative adjustments to your plan, such as transitioning you off IAG’s ePortal enrollment platform, rest assured that our team has plans in place and we will be contacting you soon to discuss those transitions.”